*All in a Day’s Work*‘And he shall crucify’.O not to have been the soldierwho had to do it,who was glad to do it,to ‘another criminal, just a Jew’.What did his eyes say to the otheras he did it?And what did he see in the other’s eyes?Agony.Unbearable for any human.Did he understand any syllable of the‘Father, forgive’?I guess not.He wouldn’t have known the language,but should have felt the body language.All in a day’s work.As it was for Jesus.‘And he shall purify’.
*April’s Fool*In humility,April’s Fool expresses his kingshipin other-worldly /condescension/,mounted on a foalbroken in by love,making a jackass ofthe pride and power of rulers.Mounted on the Cross,The Fool on the Hillwill reign in glory,outwitting Satan.Hosannas will ring outthrough endless agesand rocks and stoneswill shout and sing(C) David Grieve 2007
*Before April*I watch and wait besidethe relics of St Bruno.My hands are ready rubbed,fighting off the chill of early morning,but I feel inwardly warmedAnd glad to savour the incensewhich wafts around in smog-like clouds.Piped music reaches the inner ear(or it may be Tinnitus).Man! You factor all kinds ofweed in your garden.Flaky husbandry,reamed and tampered into youroh! so little bowl.Blend yourself, and take a leafout of the Gardener’s Book.(C) David Grieve 2007
Ten years or more of Higher Education, 7 years of Ordained Ministry in the Church of England... and now I'm managing to combine both, parish priest and university chaplain. It's a wonderful life. (Oh yes it is!)