Hunting the snark
After several months of thought, prayer and others, especially clergy, talking about the importance of looking after yourself and your family, I think our focus has changed. Instead of seeing the potential of Kings Hill and bemoaning the lack of human resources, and worrying about sustainability without us, we've recognised what has happened and what the possibilities for the future are. The more we think about it, the better it seems to leave that for others. I came to try "mission" in Kings Hill, seeds have been planted and there is a measure of fruit. I didn't come to run two rural parishes as well, and made that plain at interview. I probably wouldn't be best suited for Mereworth and West Peckham and would only really be taking them on to retain hold of Kings Hill. They would know that, and have every reason to resent it and not want me. And that's the only way I can see to stay here in the medium to long term.
The emotional baggage with the Fellowship means that I'm probably not the best person to head this up any more. GLW has been showing increased stress over it all, and rarely ever has any chance to "receive." Having decided to actively explore possibilities of a move has been tremendously liberating, and I think it would take a serious (divine?) intervention to change it.
I came into ministry via the Chaplaincy environment, with building a community among the students and responding to crises and have always said I would like to go back to it. LM is in Reception at school, so the end of the year would be as good a time as any to move, God willing. There's even a Church of England Primary School very close, which is something GLW has wanted for LM since day one.
The post is Chaplain to a former C of E teacher training college and Anglican Chaplain to the wider University as a whole. It's far closer to my skill set and experiences - and the 0.6 Pastoral 0.4 Teaching role is very attractive. It would put me back into being a Big Fish in a Small Pond and working with others far more.
There's no guarantee I'll get it, but like Kings Hill did in 2003 it feels right and makes sense.
I was already booked to see Bishop Brian this afternoon, so the timing is quite good, and most of my
ad hoc Church Council, and several other reliable regulars know. And so, of course, do you now!
(It was rather cathartic to write that.)
Labels: Faith, Life
Approaching and Entering Lent
So, it's Ash Wednesday. The day that I, like so many, start some degree of discipline, and then like so many, never quite seem to complete. This year I'm trying to bend my body to my will with a much needed alcohol fast.... and if that's not hard enough I've even gone on a diet!
I must admit, however, that neither seem particularly "spiritual" (except the lack of gin, that is!) I'd like to say I will do more serious devotional/theological reading, but I'm not sure. I do, in truth, have an incentive though. I've seen a rather fetching University Chaplaincy job... (Read as: "God, I want it and I want it now!)
However, until I'm ready to disclose more, here's a little culture. Another of David's poems, no less:
Approaching Lent
For some reason I am attracted
to the shadows of tracery and arches
stretching further across the cloister
as the wintry sun waxes more strongly.
It’s as if something beyond my grasp
has laid down a pattern
that models a way to go,
like the lives of the saints.
But is this way process or progress?
And year on year the pattern repeats
and the pain of missing the mark
is all too apparent.
But that’s the view from here,
from ground level.
I take comfort that Christ,
fully our pattern and full likeness of God,
has gone this way before.
(C) David Grieve 2007
Labels: Faith, Life, Poetry