Well, the Mosling has not yet arrived, and I'm afraid I have to say that it's a word we have made up (technically a baby moose is a calf)... but at least Granny has arrived.
Better value all-round, really. Self-cleaning. Quieter. Better company for Lucy. Good cook and thoroughly housetrained. Has own money...
(Thanks for your recent comments. As for ditching the Chemistry, luckily this is my final year, phew! As for theology... hmm, consider it a possibility)
# posted by Helen Louise : 5:59 pm, January 26, 2006
Hi again HL.
As regards adopting a granny... head down to your nearest Parish Church and you will find lots. (If in doubt, ask for the Mothers' Union...)
A bit unfair to the MU, but a bit too close to the truth for comfort!
To some he's the vicar, Reverend Stuart, on a mission to help people discover the open secret of eternal life.
To others he is a writer, thinker, punster and drinking partner.
He is Dr Moose - and these are some of his thoughts.
Ten years or more of Higher Education, 7 years of Ordained Ministry in the Church of England... and now I'm managing to combine both, parish priest and university chaplain. It's a wonderful life. (Oh yes it is!)