Not just for the young...
Category: Life (musings/sermon avoidance)
When so many atheletes and sportsmen have already retired by the time they reach my age, and when confronted by many folks who, when calling me "young" hear me modifying it to "young-ish",
this came as a pleasant surprise, especially the last few paragraphs.
There's hope for me yet! I'm not saying I can afford it - of course I can't - but in a sphere that I had thought the preserve of "young" men I just found it strangely comforting.
Chaplain to the ISS, anyone? And to which province would you be licensed?
(And for RPG folks who've read this far, what are your thoughts on the role of faith in Sceince Fiction RPGs, and Chaplains to the IISS, if you are
Traveller fans?)