ME19four: life, faith and role-playing games
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
  23rd post meme
Category: Life (trivia)

This is the second time I've come across this, (first from Kathryn and also from /musing/struggling/dreaming) so I thought I should join in for once.

Find your 23rd blog post, then post the 5th sentence of it (or nearest equivalent). I'm not quite sure whether it aims for laughter, insight, the surreal, or the wisdom of the ages., in this hopes (I guess!) of surreal or funny results.

I come up with one of my rare poems from around Easter this year:
Leaving blossom and catkins
springing on the bare boughs
in cold, grey mist.
I think it was a comment on how nothing seemed to have changed after the potentially ever-life changing events of Easter Sunday.

Make of that what you will, dear reader(s)!

[Me, I call it work avoidance. Come to think of it, why 23five? Why not 19four? :-) ]
Hey, Moose! I've been meaning to comment sometime, having finally realised that this is the home of that nice Moose chap who drops by the Franciscan enclave at Greenbelt :-) And now you've mentioned my blog, well, I have to comment, don't I!

pax et bonum
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To some he's the vicar, Reverend Stuart, on a mission to help people discover the open secret of eternal life. To others he is a writer, thinker, punster and drinking partner. He is Dr Moose - and these are some of his thoughts.

Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom

Ten years or more of Higher Education, 7 years of Ordained Ministry in the Church of England... and now I'm managing to combine both, parish priest and university chaplain. It's a wonderful life. (Oh yes it is!)

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